If you didnt have a boyfriend, I would date you so hard.
I would take you on god-damned surprise picnics.
We would walk on the fucking beach at sunset.
Youd never stop fucking smiling.
Id buy the shit out of that dress you want.
Id take you to the god-damned movies.
Id buy you dinner at any fucking place you want.
Wed cuddle so hard...
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I would take you on god-damned surprise picnics.
We would walk on the fucking beach at sunset.
Youd never stop fucking smiling.
Id buy the shit out of that dress you want.
Id take you to the god-damned movies.
Id buy you dinner at any fucking place you want.
Wed cuddle so hard...
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Ritualistic self-destruction is the lifes blood of any artist.
We create because were not content. We create because we have to. We build things people dream of, on canvas or paper or with a musical instrument. Its a need that drives us, a need to improve something.
Or a need to change something, a need to fill a hole, but youre not sure where exactly...
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We create because were not content. We create because we have to. We build things people dream of, on canvas or paper or with a musical instrument. Its a need that drives us, a need to improve something.
Or a need to change something, a need to fill a hole, but youre not sure where exactly...
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My penis can attest to my heterosexuality, that doesnt prevent me from being really, really interested in homosexuals, though.
Its always an awkward thing to bring up, without making me look like Im perhaps trying to distance myself from implied homophobia, or alienating them like theyre something Im not.
Growing up in a small country town, there werent really that many gay people around. At...
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Its always an awkward thing to bring up, without making me look like Im perhaps trying to distance myself from implied homophobia, or alienating them like theyre something Im not.
Growing up in a small country town, there werent really that many gay people around. At...
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I was making my bed this afternoon and suddenly I wondered if shed ever told her boyfriend that shed been having sex with someone else.
The only thing stranger than the fact that the thought randomly popped into my head was that Id never, not once, thought about it before. I stopped tucking the sheet, held a pillow motionless in my left hand and narrowed...
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The only thing stranger than the fact that the thought randomly popped into my head was that Id never, not once, thought about it before. I stopped tucking the sheet, held a pillow motionless in my left hand and narrowed...
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Im in love!
Glorious, amazing, unbridled love!
My limp body had hung suspended between this world and the cold nothingness of the after, but my eyes fell upon her, and my mouth opened and in flirtation I was reborn!
Hot breath on my tongue, fresh flesh and exploration of a distant unknown universe that laid somewhere behind her hazel eyes and deep within her brought...
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Glorious, amazing, unbridled love!
My limp body had hung suspended between this world and the cold nothingness of the after, but my eyes fell upon her, and my mouth opened and in flirtation I was reborn!
Hot breath on my tongue, fresh flesh and exploration of a distant unknown universe that laid somewhere behind her hazel eyes and deep within her brought...
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Glad you enjoyed! 

So, whats been going on?
Scott is leaving work soon. Hes going back home to that silly state New South Wales. So thatll leave me alone at work all day, and itll be time to open the betting pool to see how long it will be until I hang myself in the reserve.
Separate pools for when I start cutting.
Ive plenty going on inside...
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Scott is leaving work soon. Hes going back home to that silly state New South Wales. So thatll leave me alone at work all day, and itll be time to open the betting pool to see how long it will be until I hang myself in the reserve.
Separate pools for when I start cutting.
Ive plenty going on inside...
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I wrote last night for the first time in months. I need to write more. I need to write more now so I dont feel like a directionless failure, which, by the way, is pretty much the tree from which my depression and anxiety stems.
I wrote about five thousands words which I am really happy with. And I need to write more, but I...
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I wrote about five thousands words which I am really happy with. And I need to write more, but I...
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Ive been having some shit tiemz these last few days. So, today, I decided Id prove that I am the master of my own destiny. And what is the best way to do that? By asking out a complete stranger, of course!
No, before I get to the awkward, heres a bit of backstory:
Yesterday, possibly my worst day in recent memory is far as...
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No, before I get to the awkward, heres a bit of backstory:
Yesterday, possibly my worst day in recent memory is far as...
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I think back to May, 2009.
I remember a secret I kept from everyone I knew. A secret I keep, still. I think about the fear I felt at exposure, and the joy of gradual acceptance that would never come to be.
I think about the way her face looked in the dim light of the computer screen, her deep eyes racing over letters as...
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I remember a secret I kept from everyone I knew. A secret I keep, still. I think about the fear I felt at exposure, and the joy of gradual acceptance that would never come to be.
I think about the way her face looked in the dim light of the computer screen, her deep eyes racing over letters as...
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[It dances backwards and forwards before my minds eye, locked onto it as a hypnotic pendulum. My focus is broken, because the bell is fractured.]
I had a whole bunch of shit I needed to whine about and get off my chest last night, but I was never given a chance too. Guess Ill plug the bottle, and hide it in my turn cloak.
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I had a whole bunch of shit I needed to whine about and get off my chest last night, but I was never given a chance too. Guess Ill plug the bottle, and hide it in my turn cloak.
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(Lifted from my blog , please check it out!)
I think its strange how much your opinion of someone can change just by being in their presence.
That hate or contenpt you have can do a complete 180 and effect you in a more profound way.
Im not saying I like it. I like feeling more control than I did last night. But I dont...
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I think its strange how much your opinion of someone can change just by being in their presence.
That hate or contenpt you have can do a complete 180 and effect you in a more profound way.
Im not saying I like it. I like feeling more control than I did last night. But I dont...
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Lifted from my Blog: softlyitbegantorain.tumblr.com
So what do you want me to say, exactly?
Want me to just sit here until I figure out just what I should be writing? What should I describe? Where should I start? What should I emphasize and what should I leave out?
More to the point; does it matter?
What you experience is up to you, and how you...
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So what do you want me to say, exactly?
Want me to just sit here until I figure out just what I should be writing? What should I describe? Where should I start? What should I emphasize and what should I leave out?
More to the point; does it matter?
What you experience is up to you, and how you...
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