I LOVE SG... OMG.. i ordered some pins and some Vegan Lip Balm... and they sent me a shit load of stickers... WOW... i counted.. 67,, so now i have to go and paint or haha. sticker my city with them... i'll send pics in.. for fun..
so.. No Suicide Girls ever talk to me on AIM. or anyone from SG.. why? am i that lame..
this isn't like other sites that i'm on where i get tons of Random Lurker Emails.. so i'm happy but.. the occasional one would be fun...
Hint Hint
so.. No Suicide Girls ever talk to me on AIM. or anyone from SG.. why? am i that lame..
this isn't like other sites that i'm on where i get tons of Random Lurker Emails.. so i'm happy but.. the occasional one would be fun...
Hint Hint

you can talk to me on aim

dude, I 'll lurk the fuck out of you.