ok.. so i'm done with my vacation, becky is sick, i go back to work and everything is quiet.. my super super way too nice supervisor decided enough was enough and yelled at the whole team.. Total Ghost town where we all sit now.. it is pretty wierd.. no one is talking. no one is laughing.. i just put on my headphones and listened to music today...
Playlist for the day: (i was feelin kind of wussy)
The Get Up Kids
Taking Back Sunday
One Am Radio
So yah.. then i got an email saying i had to back up the phone team from 9am until 4:30 pm. SUX... i was on the phone until 5 (stupid long ass call)
oh well. i didn't get my demo recorded i'm going to do it in a few weeks.. no big deal..
I got paid today. i went grocery shopping. we bought good food.. and well i don't have any good cd's to listen to tomorrow. the new thursday album comes out.. i'm happy
OMG i'm going to see Cursive on WednesdayOMG
that is all..................................show me some love
Playlist for the day: (i was feelin kind of wussy)
The Get Up Kids
Taking Back Sunday
One Am Radio
So yah.. then i got an email saying i had to back up the phone team from 9am until 4:30 pm. SUX... i was on the phone until 5 (stupid long ass call)
oh well. i didn't get my demo recorded i'm going to do it in a few weeks.. no big deal..
I got paid today. i went grocery shopping. we bought good food.. and well i don't have any good cd's to listen to tomorrow. the new thursday album comes out.. i'm happy
OMG i'm going to see Cursive on WednesdayOMG
that is all..................................show me some love

sounds like you are having an ok time, i mis ya! well i send my love to you and thank you for sayinghi to me