ah fuck yeah.. i got my pathfinder key made.. now all i have to do it get this wire snipped and i'm rollin again..
4th of july party today.. becky and i have been making vegan goodies for me .. Yum yum.. i'm excited.. too bad we aren't bringing my doggie Buckley.. but i guess i have to bring my guitar so beckys dad can play with me.? he is tone deaf it is so funny..
if i were rich like him i would be playin an ibanez acoustic, his guitar is ok and all but still..
i'd have a vintage gibson acoustic or something hot..
oh well.. so yeah this is my boreing morning.. i've been learning new songs for my show in august.. i can't be too loud because it is in the downtown business part of my city. so i'll be rockin on the ol acoustic that day.. it should be fun.. fuck everyone that doesn't come.. fuck them dead..
Hiretsukan... seriously one of the best bands ever.. too bad they broke up... but i'm getting free shit from them next week.. Woot Woot
so Brand New sent me a tshirt for being on the street team.. Size Large.. haha what? do they think i'm a tiny emo boy? haha..
ROCK.. later cuties.. <3
4th of july party today.. becky and i have been making vegan goodies for me .. Yum yum.. i'm excited.. too bad we aren't bringing my doggie Buckley.. but i guess i have to bring my guitar so beckys dad can play with me.? he is tone deaf it is so funny..
if i were rich like him i would be playin an ibanez acoustic, his guitar is ok and all but still..
i'd have a vintage gibson acoustic or something hot..
oh well.. so yeah this is my boreing morning.. i've been learning new songs for my show in august.. i can't be too loud because it is in the downtown business part of my city. so i'll be rockin on the ol acoustic that day.. it should be fun.. fuck everyone that doesn't come.. fuck them dead..
Hiretsukan... seriously one of the best bands ever.. too bad they broke up... but i'm getting free shit from them next week.. Woot Woot
so Brand New sent me a tshirt for being on the street team.. Size Large.. haha what? do they think i'm a tiny emo boy? haha..
ROCK.. later cuties.. <3
im gonna take it out till my lip gets better and if my hole is still there ill put it back in if not oh well
you girls are awesome