This started as a post in the libertarian forum but I forgot where it was going and I didn't want to erase it. I was going to say something about how we'd do well to talk about how we can improve the state we already have rather than comparing it to some ideal state that it may easily be the case could never actually exist. And about how I'm at a peculiar disadvantage even in that regard because I don't really know much about the state we already have. Or maybe I'm at an advantage because I actually know that about myself...?
So look, now it looks like I wrote an actual journal entry.
My closest friend told me I was a libertarian, and I trusted her; my experience and reason told me that freedom to grow as ever one will is the optimal condition for the best kind of human being, and I trusted my experience and reason too. These are the things I go on, because I really don't trust anything else- I don't trust random people on the internet, or the press, or the politicians, or the kids who print the zines. This is what seperates me from damn near everyone I hear open their offensively pointless maws: I don't think I know what I don't know.
I am aware that life is easier when you just let yourself believe whatever you'd like. I, however, am proud to defy convenience at every step and throw in with my aesthetic fixation with truth in stead. It makes me feel
special and helps me to maintain a healthy sense of humor.
So look, now it looks like I wrote an actual journal entry.
My closest friend told me I was a libertarian, and I trusted her; my experience and reason told me that freedom to grow as ever one will is the optimal condition for the best kind of human being, and I trusted my experience and reason too. These are the things I go on, because I really don't trust anything else- I don't trust random people on the internet, or the press, or the politicians, or the kids who print the zines. This is what seperates me from damn near everyone I hear open their offensively pointless maws: I don't think I know what I don't know.
I am aware that life is easier when you just let yourself believe whatever you'd like. I, however, am proud to defy convenience at every step and throw in with my aesthetic fixation with truth in stead. It makes me feel
special and helps me to maintain a healthy sense of humor.

aww!! thanks hun!