what's your most character defining moment?
are you married/in a serious relationship?
why/why not?
what are your life goals?
what is beauty to you?
what does justice mean to you?
what does self-actualization mean to you?
if you were someone else, who would you be?
-stand absolved
behind your electric chair,
are you married/in a serious relationship?
why/why not?
what are your life goals?
what is beauty to you?
what does justice mean to you?
what does self-actualization mean to you?
if you were someone else, who would you be?
-stand absolved
behind your electric chair,
are you married/in a serious relationship? nope
why/why not? i have a lot of work to do on me before i can work on an "us".
what are your life goals? happiness and experience
what is beauty to you? anything in its most simple, real, raw state of being
what does justice mean to you? nothing
what does self-actualization mean to you? stagnancy
if you were someone else, who would you be? that sounds like a trick question