i got my first med school interview!
in other news, i lost my drivers license. maybe if i keep losing shit i will keep getting interviews. maybe not. maybe i will end up like those surgeons who leave things inside of people. i read a horror story in some los angeles magazine about a plastic surgeon who left tiny pieces of instrumentation in patients. it was really gross. one woman's nipples fell off in the shower. it was absolutely gruesome but i felt like had to read the whole story...just to see what kind of incompetent trash are out there, i suppose. and to remind myself not to become one!
hm what else. i'm trying not to allow myself to think about my lost drivers license and the excruciatingly long lines at the dmv in LA. i got a new keyboard - yeah, totally dope...not computer keyboard, a piano type one and woweewowowow is it spectacular - and an old skool camera for my burfday. you know, when the keyboard is nice, it's actually fun to do hannon for hours on end...
hope all's well with all y'all. i gotta get this ass to the gym...
i got my first med school interview!
in other news, i lost my drivers license. maybe if i keep losing shit i will keep getting interviews. maybe not. maybe i will end up like those surgeons who leave things inside of people. i read a horror story in some los angeles magazine about a plastic surgeon who left tiny pieces of instrumentation in patients. it was really gross. one woman's nipples fell off in the shower. it was absolutely gruesome but i felt like had to read the whole story...just to see what kind of incompetent trash are out there, i suppose. and to remind myself not to become one!
hm what else. i'm trying not to allow myself to think about my lost drivers license and the excruciatingly long lines at the dmv in LA. i got a new keyboard - yeah, totally dope...not computer keyboard, a piano type one and woweewowowow is it spectacular - and an old skool camera for my burfday. you know, when the keyboard is nice, it's actually fun to do hannon for hours on end...
hope all's well with all y'all. i gotta get this ass to the gym...

Someone I know had a piece of surgical mesh left inside them during a pretty routine operation. So far so good, except that his tissue started growing on the mesh and kind of incorporating it into his body. It took a good 10 further operations to correct it.
Moral of the story: Don't mesh around!