this weekend i'm moving into a truck with the boy as a social protest. our electricity will be fueled by a solar panel on the top, and we're attempting to reclaim parking structure land via the whole property is theft idea. this morning we were reading the la weekly and there was an article on the e.l.f. singing a hummer dealership to the ground. while i see what they were getting at, i personally think real progress AND art is made when entropy is decreased - when that which is created has more order and purpose than what is destructed. i don't see that in much protest or art these days. example: madonna's new attempt to "revolt" is a flimsy album called american life with a cheap che-inspired photo of herself on the front. it's too damn easy to ride the tails of truly revolutionary icons and even easier to light a match and burn the supposed establishment down. (sorry burning man enthusiasts...but that's yet another blog for yet another day) much more difficult to leave sustenance and substance in its place.
so here's the idea: we were thinking of making a web-style documentary of the truck protest as mockaganda. perhaps to inspire, instead of burning down power plants or the like. good idea or no? would it be boring? would people visit? other news...last night we went to see the glowing phytoplankton in the ocean.
yeah, awesome. i'm from indiana so i don't know the specifics, but once every three months or so all the dinoflagellates die, and if you pick up a handful of water, they look like a bunch of tiny xmas lights swimming in your hands, like a tiny rave. my thought was that it was some sort of celebratory funeral for the creatures at the very bottom of the evolutionary chain who keep us alive. or something like that.
whew, that was long. again, hooray for labor day weekend!
so here's the idea: we were thinking of making a web-style documentary of the truck protest as mockaganda. perhaps to inspire, instead of burning down power plants or the like. good idea or no? would it be boring? would people visit? other news...last night we went to see the glowing phytoplankton in the ocean.

whew, that was long. again, hooray for labor day weekend!
Where are the glowing phytoplanktin?? Ive heard of them but Ive never seen it in person. Can you just go to any beach?