I am being seriously mishandled. I have not been able to get my DSL up and running on my new machine. The mega global communications beauracy has managed to keep me in limbo for a couple of weeks now.
I miss seeing and hearing from all of you beautiful people. I Got a f%$^k'n G4 with all the extras and I still can't get online.
I shall prevail and return to smutville very soon.
I'm baaaack! I
'm tangled up in cables but at least I can endulge my smuty side!
I miss seeing and hearing from all of you beautiful people. I Got a f%$^k'n G4 with all the extras and I still can't get online.
I shall prevail and return to smutville very soon.
I'm baaaack! I
'm tangled up in cables but at least I can endulge my smuty side!

How about you take the menstruation, and I'll take the constant thinking-with-one's-genitals?