Saturday December 20 @ 8:00 PM
@ Atomic Cowboy -
7336 Manchester
The first ever SGSTL X-mas party will be held at The Atomic Cowboy in Maplewood, on Saturday, December 20th. The party will start at 8pm so that the festivities do not conflict with dinner and so that there will still be ample time to partake in the St. Louis nightlife. All SGSTL members are encouraged to bring guests. We will be having a gift exchange that night and all members will be required to bring one gift ranging from $5-$10. Member guests are allowed to partake in the gift exchange only if they bring a gift to contribute. Please RSVP ASAP on darkskyy1's page.
Saturday December 20 @ 8:00 PM
@ Atomic Cowboy -
7336 Manchester
The first ever SGSTL X-mas party will be held at The Atomic Cowboy in Maplewood, on Saturday, December 20th. The party will start at 8pm so that the festivities do not conflict with dinner and so that there will still be ample time to partake in the St. Louis nightlife. All SGSTL members are encouraged to bring guests. We will be having a gift exchange that night and all members will be required to bring one gift ranging from $5-$10. Member guests are allowed to partake in the gift exchange only if they bring a gift to contribute. Please RSVP ASAP on darkskyy1's page.