I got everything I ordered the other day except the Radiohead Snowscape poster and the ToD Hoodie. So happy.
I'm going with my good friend, Pete, and his girlfriend, Jen, to some piercing place in Fitchburg. He's getting his eyebrow pierced. I'm contemplating getting mine pierced as well, or possibly the right nostril, but I'm not sure how it'd look. Also going to check out a thrift store to see if there's any treasure in "other people's trashcan". Hey, my Mars is in Libra, okay? Shopping is my gravy.
I'm going with my good friend, Pete, and his girlfriend, Jen, to some piercing place in Fitchburg. He's getting his eyebrow pierced. I'm contemplating getting mine pierced as well, or possibly the right nostril, but I'm not sure how it'd look. Also going to check out a thrift store to see if there's any treasure in "other people's trashcan". Hey, my Mars is in Libra, okay? Shopping is my gravy.