I'm really enjoying the Mt. Eerie CD. There's no better music to listen to at 2:30 in the morning with the headphones on when you're by yourself. Such a satisfying and rich experience. Dark roast coffee, Mt. Eerie, cigarettes, and SuicideGirls makes for an enjoyable evening for sure.
The meeting at Dunkin' Donuts was creepy. The guy I met was this military-looking old guy who had politics and agenda written on his forehead. He didn't even say anything about sexual harassment. He just asked me to write about the "behavior" of the sexual harassing coworker, as well as how professional a work environment the manager creates. I told the truth, of course, mentioning the coworker's obliviousness to the concept of personal space. I probably would've lied if it was someone who I liked. That guy was creepy, though. He was kind of invading -my- personal space. His whole torso thrust over the tiny Dunkin' Donuts table, reading what I'd written very closely. I might have to talk to somebody about that.
The meeting at Dunkin' Donuts was creepy. The guy I met was this military-looking old guy who had politics and agenda written on his forehead. He didn't even say anything about sexual harassment. He just asked me to write about the "behavior" of the sexual harassing coworker, as well as how professional a work environment the manager creates. I told the truth, of course, mentioning the coworker's obliviousness to the concept of personal space. I probably would've lied if it was someone who I liked. That guy was creepy, though. He was kind of invading -my- personal space. His whole torso thrust over the tiny Dunkin' Donuts table, reading what I'd written very closely. I might have to talk to somebody about that.

tried calling the phone like 7 times after it got stolen... but noone answered... and to top it off, the person that stole it wasnt smart enough to actually make any calls on it... so to stick it to him, i had sprint red flag the esn, so it cant be activated again... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
Oh yeah, and already ive got a new phone that kicks the ass of my old one...