Strange how problems disappear just like that, while new ones creep up on you. The old ones seem to come around in cycles until you've overcome them.
It's partially why I believe astrology is a very real system which can be used for good or evil. Anybody who has studied astrology could tell you that if you look at the locations of the planets in relation to the earth at the precise moment of your birth than you can tell by the aspects between the planets what problems (internal & external) you'll be dealing with in this lifetime. By looking at the houses where the planets reside (the 12 slices of the zodiacal pie are the houses,) you can tell what areas of life (college, home, work, communication, etc.) these conflicts will take place. On the flip side, you can tell what gifts or talents you've recieved and where to make the best use of them, as well. The natal chart serves as the map of the soul for the person. It describes every nuance of the person, which is why I have no doubt of it's validity. Looking at my own chart, and seeing how it describes my life & personality fully, and the same for my family & friends and their charts, it only make me wonder why more people aren't interested in it. There's no better tool for making yourself a better person.
Or in my case, for plotting the systematic takeover of the entire world.
It's partially why I believe astrology is a very real system which can be used for good or evil. Anybody who has studied astrology could tell you that if you look at the locations of the planets in relation to the earth at the precise moment of your birth than you can tell by the aspects between the planets what problems (internal & external) you'll be dealing with in this lifetime. By looking at the houses where the planets reside (the 12 slices of the zodiacal pie are the houses,) you can tell what areas of life (college, home, work, communication, etc.) these conflicts will take place. On the flip side, you can tell what gifts or talents you've recieved and where to make the best use of them, as well. The natal chart serves as the map of the soul for the person. It describes every nuance of the person, which is why I have no doubt of it's validity. Looking at my own chart, and seeing how it describes my life & personality fully, and the same for my family & friends and their charts, it only make me wonder why more people aren't interested in it. There's no better tool for making yourself a better person.
Or in my case, for plotting the systematic takeover of the entire world.

the funny thing is that the science of astrology is all wrong, but that astrololgy itself is not wrong. it's the same with tarot or levitating or anything. the power probably lies in the power of similie and the ability to belive a metaphor as reality itself. physics just doesn't measure all the "energies" right yet. i think that's what we'll see as the big thing this century....