A few months back I wrote about this guy, Nate, that Dan & I let crash here. He had no place to go so we just let him hang out here for a month and a half. We fed him and I hooked him up with cigarettes the whole time. The time came when we just needed to sort things out again and we told him he had to leave.
After that he came over every now and again. He'd been renting a room at some place but he said it was really boring. One day when he was leaving he asked me if he could borrow one of my consoles (XBox or PS2.) I told him that I didn't want to lend them out. He asked if he could borrow a book so I lent him one. He said he'd bring it back the next day. He asked what time I was working, he'd drop it off there. I told him I'd be there from 2pm to 10pm.
He stopped by the store and dropped it off at 3pm. At 6pm I got a call from Dan, who had just come home from work.
Nate broke into our apartment after he stopped at the store and stole my XBox, PS2, and about 40 games, 25 of which I was borrowing from Pete.
That's what you call being used.
After that he came over every now and again. He'd been renting a room at some place but he said it was really boring. One day when he was leaving he asked me if he could borrow one of my consoles (XBox or PS2.) I told him that I didn't want to lend them out. He asked if he could borrow a book so I lent him one. He said he'd bring it back the next day. He asked what time I was working, he'd drop it off there. I told him I'd be there from 2pm to 10pm.
He stopped by the store and dropped it off at 3pm. At 6pm I got a call from Dan, who had just come home from work.
Nate broke into our apartment after he stopped at the store and stole my XBox, PS2, and about 40 games, 25 of which I was borrowing from Pete.
That's what you call being used.
i'm sorry the existence of dicks (in the mean-person sense) is so very real. boo.
yeah, i said you look like simon from "7th heaven."