For those that don't know my full time job is as a hairstylist. Now usualy it gets slow after christmas and new years is over. The salon I work at has three of the busiest stylists on holidays and for the most part I have to do their clients for them. Not all but most. So therefore with the trikkle of my own clients coming in with a mix of their three I am still busy. I don't do my job for the money I do it for the enjoyment. Now everyone else I work with is slow and half the salon is gone on vacation... Man I wanna kill someone. Is there like a 24 hour crash course on anger management. LOL just kidding I would never hit anyone.
Well I took tomorrow off and I am going down to Seattle to watch the Seattle Seahawks (NFL FOOTBALL) in a playoff game. This is the treat I needed.
Hope everyone else is doin good.
Well I took tomorrow off and I am going down to Seattle to watch the Seattle Seahawks (NFL FOOTBALL) in a playoff game. This is the treat I needed.
Hope everyone else is doin good.

As long as you're doing what you love, a 24 hour crash course on anger management shouldn't be necessary