Yeah, it's been a hot minute since I wrote here. Not much has changed on this side of the fence, most notable change is I acquired a stray dog a few months ago.
She is an adorable 3 - 4 year old Yorkie with OCD, the unnerving need to find the perfect blade of grass to do her business on, and the attention span of a gnat. She's hard headed, not a fan of mornings like me, chases anything that moves in the back yard, and is scared of twigs that she steps on. I swore off getting any more pets after having to cat sit my daughters cat a few times and having to put down two previous dogs for old age and other health reasons. But then, I got Sophie. Can't say I'm thrilled to be finding presents in the morning on the floor or having to again find someone to watch her while I go on trips, but she deserved more of a life than living on the streets or having to deal with 2 full grown Great Danes and 2 Shih Tzu's that one doesn't like new dogs that my son and his mom have.
I have also found I really enjoy going on cruises and Cozumel more than I should. Always something to do (even if it's nothing), good food I don't have to cook or clean after, "spoiled" at every chance the crew gets, and adventures in a different country. Mexican tequila hits different than what's sold in the states. The Mexican is MUCH better and I don't black out on it either :). If you get a chance, I highly recommend going on one.
Had a birthday not too long ago and I did as little as possible. Another trip around the Sun and I'm still here. I'll take it. I could complain about a great many things, but that's counter productive to enjoying life, regardless of what it presents to me. Age is but a number, it doesn't define me and I won't let it either. My daughter says I am living my best life (I am) and that I have "made it". I am by no means rich, I do have everything I need, my bills are paid, and I have quite a lot of what I want too. Really the only thing I am missing is someone to share my contentment with, but I am not going to force that one at all. I can't be happy with someone if I'm not happy by my self, and I am.
If you got this far, thanks for stopping by and I do hope you are having a great day!