So today I made a Typepad. Which is basically just another blog. For those of you even slightly interested in what I have to say outside of SG which really isn't all that much.. but really I made it so my friends who don't have SG accounts can follow my life. It's just one more thing I pay for on a monthly basis.
Speaking of paying for things, I think I'm going to have to get an actual job now. If I ever want to successfully move out of my parents' house and stop being completely under their control, I'm going to have to start paying for things myself. I really don't want a boring teller job [no offense to anyone with said job], but it's the only thing I can think of that a girl who is only 19 with no real education outside of high school can do and still make around 10-12 dollars an hour with benefits and such.
I also just realized that I never actually wrote a blog about my visit to Memphis. There really isn't much to say about it except that I got to see Genero for longer than a 32 hour period of time and he was actually awake and coherent most of the time that he was supposed to be awake and coherent. I met his family and I absolutely adore his mother. She's so cute and flat out adorable. Then I also met his friends, including EdgarAllanWoah. They were all very amusing and fun to be around. I enjoyed myself greatly and CANNOT wait to go back in February.
Also we got to have sex in the woods.. that's one thing I get to mark off my list..
Speaking of paying for things, I think I'm going to have to get an actual job now. If I ever want to successfully move out of my parents' house and stop being completely under their control, I'm going to have to start paying for things myself. I really don't want a boring teller job [no offense to anyone with said job], but it's the only thing I can think of that a girl who is only 19 with no real education outside of high school can do and still make around 10-12 dollars an hour with benefits and such.
I also just realized that I never actually wrote a blog about my visit to Memphis. There really isn't much to say about it except that I got to see Genero for longer than a 32 hour period of time and he was actually awake and coherent most of the time that he was supposed to be awake and coherent. I met his family and I absolutely adore his mother. She's so cute and flat out adorable. Then I also met his friends, including EdgarAllanWoah. They were all very amusing and fun to be around. I enjoyed myself greatly and CANNOT wait to go back in February.
Also we got to have sex in the woods.. that's one thing I get to mark off my list..

i just use Blogger myself ... .and sex in the woods .. rocks!