We didnt make it in the venue in time to see Boys like Girls except for about a minute of their last song.. which was okay by me.. and then baby bash cracked me up to no end... I'm not usually one for hip hop... but like.. 4 fully grown black men in baggy clothes and metal the size of my face around their necks bouncing around to bad music was absolutely hysterical to me.. Then there was 3DG.. my personal favorite.. it was pretty much awesome.. and then sean kingston's fatass...
Then Good Charlotte... which would have been fantastic if I was still 14... still entertaining nevertheless.. We left after them to beat all the drunks out of downtown... but it was pretty much awesome..
This was me after the show..
So that was my weekend..
Today I had an OB/GYN appointment.. and it was absolutely ridiculous..
Now, this wasn't my annual... I had that a couple of months ago... this was just so I could get on a new kind of birth control because I decided I didn't like the nuvaring anymore for slightly personal reasons... that are apparently very common... But I go in there and I sit... and wait... with all these bunches of pregnant women talking about their other pregnancies... and dropping their babies and being a month and a half late and being in labor for 38 hours... and what not.. of course making me never ever want babies... which.. I know will pass... but for Jesus' sake... don't share those stories... finally I get to the back and they weigh me and I weigh the same that I have for about a year now... and then I sit and wait some more... then they take me to exam room two and the nurse tells me to take off my pants... and I kind of think to myself 'well that's dumb' but I do it.. and she hands me a sheet to cover up with and then I sit on the table... and I sit there.. and wait... finally the doctor comes in and she looks at me all shocked and she's like.. why the fuck are you naked... which of course she didn't say.. but you could see the fuck in her eyes.... so I get dressed and we talked about birth control... she kept telling me just to use condoms... and I'm like.. look woman.. I'm allergic to latex.. and yes I'm aware that they make other kinds but.. I'm a spontaneous person.. I'm not up for the whole awkward hey put on a condom conversation... I've never used a condom and I'm not about to start, willingly at least.. also I'm in a monogamous relationship and we're both clean...that being said I'm just gonna stick with some birth control please... write me a prescription and I'm gonna get on with my normal life where I pretend I don't have to see a special doctor just to keep from having babies... finally I'm like... look I don't need to see all the options... I am aware that there are like 40... I just want seasonique... so.. I got my seasonique prescription and left and now I'm very very very excited..
Why am I so excited you ask....
Because from now on.. I only have to have 4 periods a year..
And each of those will be light and last only 3 days... which means life will basically be fantastic... end of story..
Yeah.. so ... that was my day at the gynecologist..
I'm sure you didn't really need to or care to read all of that but if you did.. props to you..
With all my excitement,
Stassney ♥