Okay.. maybe not.. but I'm starting to think that I really do fall under that nympho category... I am in a constant state of wanting sex... which is odd because I thought I was in a constant state of wanting sex before.. but this is much more evident and intense...
Aside from that not much has happened in my life since genero visited..
Thanksgiving happened... which was boring..
Today I registered for my first semester of college..
I'm going to be taking English [If I don't clep out which I probably will], US History II ... I took the first in high school, Human Anatomy, and Human Sexuality.
I'm so beyond psyched about my human sexuality class... it's gonna be immensely badass...
Another new development that I have decided in the past couple of hours.. I'm going edge again... or as edge as I can go without giving up sex... my experiences with drugs, alcohol, and smoking [[which have been very few and pretty far between]] have not been anywhere near good enough for me to continue doing that kind of harm to my body and giving up my moral standpoints..
I'm asking for a videocamera for Christmas.. maybe then I'll do a vlog..
As for now.. I'm going to go talk to/do dirty things for Tommy..
Off to be naughty,
[[edit]][[I'm actually just gonna go to sleep. but.. I like saying I'm gonna do dirty things more than saying I'm gonna sleep]]
So you just registered for your first classes...Let me be the first to officially welcome you to the world of Higher Learning, it's one hell of a ride, use it well and enjoy it all-