The past two weeks have been very strange for me.
I have mentioned multiple times that my best friend died two years ago. And I had the shittiest of shit weeks of crying, smiling, remembering, more crying, and a whole lot of talking.
I am so lucky to have such a huge support group. I've been really reluctant to talk about it for the past two years, and am glad that I'm finally able to work through my thoughts and feelings with people who have no connection to the situation. All in all, it's been two very rough weeks, but I'm getting through it and starting to feel differently and more positive. Thank you to all the people who allowed me to spill my heart to them <3 You have no idea how much it has helped.
Now on with the rest of things!
4/20! Woooohooooo!
Smoked a lot of weeds. Lots of marijuanas. It was glorious! I love going downtown for 4/20 because the crowds are so incredibly chill. There was a ridiculous amount of people there this year! It was a super crazy huge event. I always get super colourful and dress up or paint my face for stuff like this. I actually had a few people saw, "Hello!" from IG and such which was neat.
Here's my butt
Girls night <3
Gluten free vegan brownies to help their dog get surgery, AWWWWW!! I bought so many of their edibles. Omnom.
I hope everyone had a safe and fun week!