Happy thigh high Thursday! Everything I'm wearing was made by moi!
okay, so I log on this morning to find an insane amount of notifications! Then I realized my blog was featured, and I could not stop laughing because it was the most negative blog full of complaining with two sexy pictures. So funny that THATS the one. But I'm super stoked! I got a bunch of great suggestions as to how to fix the bugs or where to look and who to ask. So thank you all for the advice! The site is running a bit smoother for me now.
I hit over 5000 followers on Instagram! I have no idea how that happened, but I'm so happy that everyone finds me interesting enough to like and follow my posts! Or they just like my bum. Either way, I've never felt more support or love from so many strangers turned Internet-friends.
Technology is so amazing, connecting people throughout the world in ways nobody 50 years ago could predict. It's incredible, and I love having the ability to connect with others similar and different from myself.
My neck and shoulder are getting better, though I'm starting to worry that there is an actual problem with my neck. The seizing is like nothing I've felt or experienced, and I think I may have a pinched nerve or something.
I can't wait for my second set to come out! I feel like, or at least I hope, that it'll turn me pink. I've had so many comments from people on my photos saying I should be, and it really means a lot! I've been inspired and fascinated by suicidegirls for such a long time, it would be the cherry on top of my life if it were to happen