So, I had a photoshoot the other day with Elizabeth Eburne designs! Her clothing line is entirely made with natural fibres like silk and bamboo, and every garment is dyed using plants and sometimes event bugs! Super cool. Her designs remind me of clothing worn in the "Fable" video game series, which is my absolute FAVOURITE! I felt so elegant and amazing in her clothes. We shot outdoors and inside the studio, I had such a fun time! Long day, though. I'll post photos when we get them back from the photographer!
I've been sewing and designing and planning on going away this weekend. My partner's family is visiting their house on Mayne Island from Thursday-Sunday, so I won't be able to post anything much this weekend! There isn't very good reception there. It's such a beautiful Island...I'm really looking forward to taking some time for myself. I'm hoping it stays as foggy as it has been the past little while! I really love the fog, and Vancouver/Islands have a lot this time of year! Liam and I are going to try and sneak away from the famjam to take some photos out on the rocks. I'm hoping I can brave the cold and get nakey! It would be breathtaking to have nude images on that Island while the fog rolls in...Eeeeek!
I had an appointment with my surgeon today. The lumps inside my skin are probably stitches that are coming through and it'll suck for a bit but my body will push them out...Also he suggested I get a sort of gel pad like the ones they use for burn victims for scar tissue to prevent it from bunching up more. He also examined my left wrist, because since surgery I've been noticing some clicking and snapping inside and it just feels really loose in general. Turns out, I may have re-injured the area like I did my elbow when I fell at work in April. So I'm probably going to need ANOTHER SURGERY ON MY WRIST!!! He told me to take it easy and avoid certain movements and lifting anything too heavy, so basically no kitchen work...And I'm supposed to go and see him in another 2 months. So I think I'll be off work until after Christmas...Fuck my life. In 2 months, if my wrist hasn't improved, I'll have to get surgery to repair the damage.
So I'm feeling a bit down. Not much, though. I'm trying to stay positive and not worry too much about anything! I'm going to keep exercising lightly and then I'll see what my Rheumatologist says on TUESDAY! My first ever appointment. Wish me luck!
I have a few photos to share with you from a mini-shoot I did with @keziasuicide !