Wow. What an insanely long, exhausting day yesterday was.

Mother called when I was in the last stages of my "I do not want to go to work today!" sleep. You know that sleep state where you've woken up four different times to look at the clock and then roll over mumbling something along the lines of "I"m not going."? Anyway... the news wasn't good....
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Holy carp.

Our puppy just had puppies. She's the proud mother of 8 little wriggling Boston Terrier pups. 8. Normal litter is 2 to 4. The dad was pacing the entire time. He was so cute.
I think I got the job. I'm trying not to get excited just yet, but it's not working. I am excited. My dreams (yes, the ones while I was asleep) seemed to be pointing me this direction. Everything seemed to work out just exactly the way it needed to. Got a pee test to pass, but that shouldn't be an issue. I've got a prescription...
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Good news... My pa seems to have stopped bleeding. Just in time for me to go to work. Thank goodness. Fortunately I was able to time things so that I could do a load of laundry last night. Maybe I'll just end up ruining a couple pair of undershorts.

Another fortunate thing, I work with my roommate so I don't have the awkward situation of...
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Don't get your hopes up for multiple daily blog postings. Doesn't usually happen. I'm just feeling particularly bloggy the last few days. I did this on my LJ every once in a while.

My last post I said something about my blogging here being superficial and staying away from the philosophical. Well, this one will kinda change that.

I've been spending quite a bit of...
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You know, as I sit here watching Chat... I realize... My blog is rather superficial. None of my deep philosophical musings make it here. Should I change that?

On a side note... looks like I may be getting a job as a bouncer. At the club where a certain dancer works. Not stalking, I promise. One of my dear friends just got a job dancing...
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Good lord, that's a lot of blood. I think the bleeding's finally stopped, though.

'course now it's time to take a shower and start it all over again.
Yeah, I just realized this is the shrunken thumbnail version. I'll get the real one uploaded soon as I can get my pc back working again.
So... I decided not to redo my frenum. I got a pa instead. It's kinda liberating. My last girlfriend was absolutely deadset against my getting it. She's gone. Now I've got one.

You know... as long as I've been a member here, you might find it strange that I'd never been to a strip club. Until last week. I had to go do research for my best friend's bachelor party. I only had one week's notice that the previous planner (the man who is now his father-in-law) had decided not to plan the party after all. I...
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