One thing I dislike greatly in this world is people that get by at their job doing next to nothing while the rest of us work our asses off making up for what they're not getting done. And management either doesn't notice or doesn't do anything about it if they do notice. I mean, really. You have to know when two of your four field hands aren't keeping up their end of the workload. Don't you? I mean, wouldn't you notice such a thing..?
More Blogs
Tuesday Dec 18, 2007
Baby, it's Christmas. Please come home. -
Wednesday Dec 12, 2007
I think I wished too hard for it to ice up. Like... waaay too hard. … -
Saturday Dec 08, 2007
Maybe I'm a freak, but I actually like cold weather. I've always enj… -
Thursday Dec 06, 2007
Apparently, from what I've been told, been shown... I'm not worth it… -
Wednesday Dec 05, 2007
One thing I dislike greatly in this world is people that get by at th… -
Tuesday Dec 04, 2007
Have you ever wondered if people get bored by the way you talk about … -
Monday Dec 03, 2007
I've always found it hard to keep with a blog or journal that I knew … -
Wednesday Jan 24, 2007
It seems so hard sometimes... wanting to help, but not knowing how. … -
Saturday Jan 20, 2007
Ugh. Rain, sleet, snow. 'least I'm not trying to go anywhere this w… -
Saturday Jan 13, 2007
I hate the weather. I was supposed to fly out to see my girl for the…