One thing I dislike greatly in this world is people that get by at their job doing next to nothing while the rest of us work our asses off making up for what they're not getting done. And management either doesn't notice or doesn't do anything about it if they do notice. I mean, really. You have to know when two of your four field hands aren't keeping up their end of the workload. Don't you? I mean, wouldn't you notice such a thing..?
More Blogs
Wednesday Jun 25, 2008
What use is this? What good are the things that I do? The good works… -
Monday Jun 23, 2008
Evidently I am a golden god amongst best men. Not only do I give a m… -
Monday Jun 16, 2008
Holy carp I'm bored. I probably wouldn't be if I were at "home". If… -
Friday Jun 13, 2008
I should really update here more. Not that there's anything to updat… -
Wednesday May 28, 2008
Well... my frenum piercing rejected. Fortunately, it's one that can … -
Tuesday May 13, 2008
Yes, I know, it's been forever. But, seeing as how this likely doesn… -
Wednesday Apr 16, 2008
Well... I got my fourth piercing this week. As with the other three… -
Monday Apr 14, 2008
Yeah, I know it's been a looong while since I posted. Not that I thi… -
Tuesday Jan 08, 2008
Last night, I called for rain. Tonight I changed my mind. -
Tuesday Jan 01, 2008
At the risk of sounding morbid... Have you ever thought about what…