One thing I dislike greatly in this world is people that get by at their job doing next to nothing while the rest of us work our asses off making up for what they're not getting done. And management either doesn't notice or doesn't do anything about it if they do notice. I mean, really. You have to know when two of your four field hands aren't keeping up their end of the workload. Don't you? I mean, wouldn't you notice such a thing..?
More Blogs
Friday Jul 04, 2008
Wow. What an insanely long, exhausting day yesterday was. Mother … -
Tuesday Jul 01, 2008
Holy carp. Our puppy just had puppies. She's the proud mother of … -
Tuesday Jul 01, 2008
I think I got the job. I'm trying not to get excited just yet, but i… -
Monday Jun 30, 2008
Good news... My pa seems to have stopped bleeding. Just in time for… -
Sunday Jun 29, 2008
Don't get your hopes up for multiple daily blog postings. Doesn't us… -
Sunday Jun 29, 2008
You know, as I sit here watching Chat... I realize... My blog is rat… -
Sunday Jun 29, 2008
Good lord, that's a lot of blood. I think the bleeding's finally sto… -
Saturday Jun 28, 2008
Read More -
Saturday Jun 28, 2008
So... I decided not to redo my frenum. I got a pa instead. It's ki… -
Friday Jun 27, 2008
You know... as long as I've been a member here, you might find it str…