One thing I dislike greatly in this world is people that get by at their job doing next to nothing while the rest of us work our asses off making up for what they're not getting done. And management either doesn't notice or doesn't do anything about it if they do notice. I mean, really. You have to know when two of your four field hands aren't keeping up their end of the workload. Don't you? I mean, wouldn't you notice such a thing..?
More Blogs
I'm back.
Not that it probably matters to anyone. I am glad, though, to re… -
Friday Dec 07, 2012
It's strange, you know? I find myself here, staring at the blog post… -
Monday Jul 28, 2008
I sleep so much better now. I think I just needed hope. I'm afraid … -
Sunday Jul 20, 2008
So... Five nights, four fights, one guy tossed. I love my job. … -
Thursday Jul 17, 2008
Where was I? Oh, yes... Last night: Maybe I should say fir… -
Thursday Jul 17, 2008
Well... Busy is the word for it and that's a fact. Worked 'til 3:… -
Wednesday Jul 09, 2008
Wow. Did my first shift at the club tonight. They're training me … -
Sunday Jul 06, 2008
Being Piscean, I ponder. It's the absolute worst thing for me to do … -
Saturday Jul 05, 2008
I just finished a book because my roommate said that I had to read it… -
Saturday Jul 05, 2008
Ok, so... the 4th of July is and has always been my favorite holiday…