One thing I dislike greatly in this world is people that get by at their job doing next to nothing while the rest of us work our asses off making up for what they're not getting done. And management either doesn't notice or doesn't do anything about it if they do notice. I mean, really. You have to know when two of your four field...
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Have you ever wondered if people get bored by the way you talk about your life? I know I've listened to people ramble on and on and been bored out of my skull. Usually I'm too polite to say anything.

But then I wonder if people feel the same way about me. I hope I don't bore people with the soap opera that is my...
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I've always found it hard to keep with a blog or journal that I knew no one was reading... I guess maybe I'm a bit of a mental exhibitionist... Kinda. Hopefully this one will get read.
It seems so hard sometimes... wanting to help, but not knowing how. Or wanting to help and being completely unable to do so. That may be worse. At least someone can tell you how you can help them. What are you supposed to do if there isn't any way to help..?
Ugh. Rain, sleet, snow. 'least I'm not trying to go anywhere this weekend. Wish I was, but... yeah.

Have you ever wanted to move just to be near someone? That's how I feel right now, actually.
I hate the weather. I was supposed to fly out to see my girl for the weekend and we get dumped with ice. I mean, is there a conspiracy against us or something..? Hopefully tomorrow will be flyable weather. Otherwise... Well, otherwise, I don't know what.
Yet another blog for me to neglect...

Not that anyone will read this one either.

I'm recently pierced, both nipples within the last month, and let me tell you... Whoooo! They're still fresh, so there's a bit of discomfort still, but... Just the increased sensitivity is amazing. Plus the fact that I feel, dare I say it..? Kinda sexy.

I think I may be addicted...
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Where to start?

I love this place. I am amazed by the beautiful women who choose to share their bodies with the world.

This is my deep dark secret. Ok, one of them... I think more of the world should be like this. Open and free. Just don't tell "Them" that. They'd shun me if they knew.
