Just a couple days left till my birthday and the hooters swimsuit contest.... its kinda like our store prom... well a girl at work has been wanting me to go to a club with her but i dont wanna break my policy of no envolvement with other employees.... it got me into alot of trouble the last time i did it.....
damn she is cute though...... damn what i wouldent do for a good goth girl... but i get so nervous around girls with black lipstick and purple hair..... i can talk to any preppie evil cheerleader wannabe model bitch.... but any emo girl i run into i just cant talk too..... i just think that they want nothing to do with a prep ambercrombie fuck like myself...... somone help shed some light on this little problem i seem to face....
damn she is cute though...... damn what i wouldent do for a good goth girl... but i get so nervous around girls with black lipstick and purple hair..... i can talk to any preppie evil cheerleader wannabe model bitch.... but any emo girl i run into i just cant talk too..... i just think that they want nothing to do with a prep ambercrombie fuck like myself...... somone help shed some light on this little problem i seem to face....
but as far as yer problem goes, I'd say there's nothing to worry about... sure ya think there is.... but there really isn't.... I get nervous around all girls... except for the ones I been friends with for years.... truth is, who cares how the fuck you dress.... so what, I'm like a scary little goth punk boy... my ex was like a gap girl... *shrugs*
Bottom line... if they don't wanna date you cuz of something retarded like where you shop they can die in a fire.... remember that sentance... DIE IN A FIRE....
I say just be how you is... and hang with the nice girls... all the poopy ones can burn in hell... only nice people deserve anything.....