well i finally got half of my pics loaded lastnight.... dialup is such a morse code creation compaired to highspeed..... lastnight was rough.... it was the riverfest.. wichita's lame attempt at throwing a party, and it has all the makings of a possable marti-gras if you just lit the spark, BUT the WPD always shuts the action down before it gets started....weak... anyhoo i went there with my homie Yosh and ran around with gang-o-beads and didnt give one away..(mainly cause all the girls were under age) watched the closing fireworks tanked on coke and wild turkey.. then we go to Americas Pub and procede to have a kick ass time yosh got a sombrero and was dancing around all night with it... speeking of dancing i danced so much last night it hurts today.... before i went i decided to run 2 miles then went to the pub and raved with the glow necklass's around my hands all night then we were going to an after party... and yosh's homeboy Spade calls and wants us to watch him spin trance at another club so at 3 we go and do some more rave dancing and today i just want to cut my legs off to ease the pain......

and as for that booty shot of me...when I saw that pic, I had no idea my butt looked so ghetto! haha i think it was just the lighting and angle..