Well everything is going good. I got to talk to my baby (Elisha) thruout the weekend and the week. She started her ait last friday. She is going strong i am very proud of her. We have talked about her moving back in with my husband and i right after her training is done. We have also talked about me getting a tattoo that symbols her like the one i did for my husband. Plus we deciided that Elisha and I are going to get matching tattoo's and she even felt it would be awesome if my husband, her and i all got matching tattoo's. I already have them designed out i plan to get the on for her next weekend. My husband and i have talked more he understnads where i am coming from and what my reasons are, he is ok with it and understands that really things are not changing for us. We are still married and together. its just that sexually i want to be with elisha. I told him i am giving him permission to get a girlfriend or a fuck buddy for himself. he says he understands that but probley wouldn't because of the love he has for me. he says that as long as we are together thats all he needs. the sex isn't why he dated or married me. so we will see what happens. Once my husband gets home we will start taking photo shoots again and when elisha gets home her and i will be doing tons of photos and videos together. well i guess thats all i got for now. Talk to you all later. We have a part planned so far for my husbands return in July, One for Elisha's in August, and our halloween bash in October just like last years. So if your interested in info on any of the events and your near wayne county michigan email me and i will give you my contact information to give you the details. 

glad to hear that's going well for you! I want to see the tattoos you come up with!
hey pretty, than you for the comment on my set, your blog sounds like everything is going well,