well well well.... i have returned to the states from my overseas service as a stormtrooper for the empire of america. made alot of friends in kosovo and helped as many people as i could. i got offered to be inducted into the albanian mafia, should i quit being a hired gun for the empire and wanna go freelance. some thought for the future. right...
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OOOOOOh for fuck sake its been so long since i updated here.
our military has turned completly puss on its soldiers. its been 4 months since i looked at this site cause if you want internet service here you have to buy it through the local provider which sucks. but its a war-torn former communist country what do you expect. anyhoo. the internet provider IPKOnet,...
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our military has turned completly puss on its soldiers. its been 4 months since i looked at this site cause if you want internet service here you have to buy it through the local provider which sucks. but its a war-torn former communist country what do you expect. anyhoo. the internet provider IPKOnet,...
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Thanks for commenting on my set
Now let's see...I ain't got tats or hair dye, but i'm glad you liked my booty anyway.

Now let's see...I ain't got tats or hair dye, but i'm glad you liked my booty anyway.
for all who have missed me i have finally updated. im located in KOSOVO. former YUGOSLAVIA. i have been here for 4 months and i am learning albanian. which is the native language here. and i am most happy to finally get to come back and visit the site.
thanks to all who have wished me a happy birthday. that was an unexpected suprise. i...
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thanks to all who have wished me a happy birthday. that was an unexpected suprise. i...
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yup, i was born and raised in california, but i moved to lawrence, kansas this past october. i guess that means i've been here almost nine months. i ♥ lawrence. it's a very very cool town.
that is most excellent that you are learning albanian. is it very scary there? lots of people doing bad things to one another? stay safe my ninja.
i gladly await the pictures.

yup, i was born and raised in california, but i moved to lawrence, kansas this past october. i guess that means i've been here almost nine months. i ♥ lawrence. it's a very very cool town.
that is most excellent that you are learning albanian. is it very scary there? lots of people doing bad things to one another? stay safe my ninja.
i gladly await the pictures.

YAY!!! Glad to know you're still here!! Learning Albanian?? thats awesome!! I hope you're staying out of trouble!!!
You're very welcome for the happy b day!!!
You're very welcome for the happy b day!!!

this is a journal test
today was gun day... your ninja brushed up on his marksmenship skills... i shot a desert eagle, thats the gun that the agents in the matrix carry for all you non pistola savy kids reading... this bitch shoots bullets as big as your thumb. and it tore me up they cost me a $1.25 a shot.. well i had to buy 10 so i could...
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy birthday beeeotch!!!

AAAHHH! i am loving on this song by Chingon, its Malaguena Salerosa.. its the song on the credits of kill bill 2... its so fuckin good... i just got it and i have listened to it going on 5 times now. i wish for a hot spanish flaminco dancer right now so we could dance in my living room...
and for all you movie buffs...
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and for all you movie buffs...
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Heh, thankles
My back tat cost $800 for 10 hours (the artist is awesome and gave me a spanktastic deal) and my Anbu one only cost $70 for about 45 minutes.
And Rammstein rocks my cock, so awesome are they

And Rammstein rocks my cock, so awesome are they

i got the first season of the Dukes of Hazard on dvd.... its fuckin awsome.... im totally reliving my redneck childhood.
a friend of my roomate is going to let me DJ with him a Bleachers here in wichita so it will be fun to spin a little before i leave
a friend of my roomate is going to let me DJ with him a Bleachers here in wichita so it will be fun to spin a little before i leave
Thanks. And who knows, at this point, I'm just looking, so it may or may not pan out to anything long term. I've got a lot of poly friends who have managed to have a successful relationship for over a year now, so I think that's pretty amazing.
It does take work since you are adding an extra person in the mix.

new pics today... finally my face has been revealed
what highschool did you go to? East High
what side of town do you live on?I lived on the west side and the east.. With my mom I grew up ont he east and with my dad.. its douglas and west
what is your fav local restarant?I guess it's iethr filiepes (sp or SPANGLES!!!!!!!!!!
what highschool did you go to? East High

what side of town do you live on?I lived on the west side and the east.. With my mom I grew up ont he east and with my dad.. its douglas and west
what is your fav local restarant?I guess it's iethr filiepes (sp or SPANGLES!!!!!!!!!!

without my mask
WOW i havent updated in 2 months.... i have been partying my ass off... i have like just a handfull of months left before i leave to go overseas to continue my soldierly duitys...
its kinda strange when you realize that everyday you see your friends could be potentually be the last moments you have with them.... but i knew this going in and i...
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its kinda strange when you realize that everyday you see your friends could be potentually be the last moments you have with them.... but i knew this going in and i...
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Hey, welcome to the SGKS board! I noticed that you said you'll be headed over seas for your soldierly duty. I'm stationed at Camp Buehring Kuwait right now with my army reserve unit, been here since Feb. I'm a 73C with the 368th Fin Bn, out of Wichita (89th RRC).
Sounds like we some stuff in common. Anyway, I'll be back in Kansas on R&R from Sept 7th to Sept 21st. We should try and set up a SGKS get together during that time while I'm home, and before you leave. I think I'll go post that right now.
Sounds like we some stuff in common. Anyway, I'll be back in Kansas on R&R from Sept 7th to Sept 21st. We should try and set up a SGKS get together during that time while I'm home, and before you leave. I think I'll go post that right now.

No kansas for me.. I'm moving in a week.. not just traveling but moving
I am getting ready to embark on a months worth of training at fort riley.... i hope its fun.
im current lusting over some girl i have never seen in my Taekwondo class before untill last tuesday.. her name is amy and she is she same belt level as me and has the most graceful kicks i have ever seen. im hopeing to get more...
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im current lusting over some girl i have never seen in my Taekwondo class before untill last tuesday.. her name is amy and she is she same belt level as me and has the most graceful kicks i have ever seen. im hopeing to get more...
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YOU'RE BACK!! w00t! w00t! ~hellz yeah~ *does the dance*
nnnst nnnst nnnst!!!
Hey ... that last entry was hot. Talking abt weapons gets me really worked up. I like a guy/girl that knows his guns, berettas are very SAWEEEEEEET! I want a .45 like, woah. I would have to seriously practice with that bitch if I had one because of the kick, I would suck if I tried it today, lol. I heard they made another gun similar with just as much power but with like, half the kick. The guy that told me didnt know the model and Im freaking out tryin to find out what it is!!!!
nnnst nnnst nnnst!!!
Hey ... that last entry was hot. Talking abt weapons gets me really worked up. I like a guy/girl that knows his guns, berettas are very SAWEEEEEEET! I want a .45 like, woah. I would have to seriously practice with that bitch if I had one because of the kick, I would suck if I tried it today, lol. I heard they made another gun similar with just as much power but with like, half the kick. The guy that told me didnt know the model and Im freaking out tryin to find out what it is!!!!
oh fo' sho' way hotter.
and hello.

and hello.

BE ADVISED THE JOURNAL IS BEING TYPED UNDER THE MOST DRUNKENED STATE CONCEVED BY MAN! i have been to two clubs and my eyes are spinning so much that i cant see the screen right now... i am currently amazed at my typing ability. because i dont know how i am doing this right know. "the next sentence will be typed with no corrections and...
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Storm ... you rock the casbah, baby! You not only agreed with my last entry, but you went thr enxtra mile and really unleashed holy hell on the thing that I hate most in this world ... THE FUCKING MEAT ROBOTIC GOVERNEMTN CONTROL FREAK SLAVE ISSUE!! Now I know you are with me ... and we can start the revolution. 

What do you mean with CARNIVAL??... I doNt live in BRASil, baby. I live in BUENOS AIRES... I love rain, tango and drinking bear with friends.. I hate carnival and I donT know what lil means. Im a fucking "cloudy" girl... yeah...But, sometimes I enjoy going to some party, and disguise,and dance a lot, and take pics, and take some E... jajajjajajajajajjajajajajajaj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, you like E??????...

So sad my baby Jays are out, but there's always next year!