Well, been a while since I've updated last. Life here has been pretty hectic...

My supervisor leaves in a month, and I'm next in line in technical ability, so I'm dreading when everything falls on me... Otherwise, lots of 'Go here, do this pointless task, etc' I got a promotion here since my last update (Gogo ET2!)

Looking into moving off-base, but thanks...
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Wow, lots went on since I last logged on... was stuck out to sea for a few days, actually talked to my ex-GF and ended up driving the 8 hours and visiting her over the weekend. Was a ton of fun, really.

Mostly, I went to visit to see where we stand in regards to eachother... I mean, I've knew her for more than a...
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women are weird like that...

Woot, first journal entry! I win! biggrin

Yeah, it's pretty sparse, but *shrug* It's late, I'm tired, work sucks tongue