Well, been a while since I've updated last. Life here has been pretty hectic...
My supervisor leaves in a month, and I'm next in line in technical ability, so I'm dreading when everything falls on me... Otherwise, lots of 'Go here, do this pointless task, etc' I got a promotion here since my last update (Gogo ET2!)
Looking into moving off-base, but thanks to working hours, it's a pain... that and I'm pretty addicted to World of Warcrack, so that makes it doubly hard. Hopefully gonna be moving the girlfriend and her kid down here to Norfolk with me in a month or so, assuming I can find affordable, yet not crappy, housing.
My supervisor leaves in a month, and I'm next in line in technical ability, so I'm dreading when everything falls on me... Otherwise, lots of 'Go here, do this pointless task, etc' I got a promotion here since my last update (Gogo ET2!)
Looking into moving off-base, but thanks to working hours, it's a pain... that and I'm pretty addicted to World of Warcrack, so that makes it doubly hard. Hopefully gonna be moving the girlfriend and her kid down here to Norfolk with me in a month or so, assuming I can find affordable, yet not crappy, housing.