Yay, new blog update!
Let's see, stuff that's new: Got my rifle finally! Pics should be incoming once I get off my ass to take them! It's a sweet, tricked-out Rock River midlength carbine. Got a harris bipod and a surefire M900 vertical grip/bright-ass-flashflight for it. Still looking for a good deal on a Benelli M4 and I'm eyeing a 6.8 SPC upper and a Rock River LAR-10 as well. So much cool shit, so little money!
Why so little money? Becuase I just bought a freakin house! haha
Got most of the utilities swapped over, but the asshats at the city utilities require me to show up in person to fill out paperwork... guess that's what I'm doing when I get off work early this Friday. Furniture prices suck ass! Well, at least they do if you want to buy something that won't fall apart in a few years. Found a good bed, eyeing some couches, a table, some chairs, a few lamps, and a partridge in a pear tree. Also wanted to do DSL/Satellite... but after I put in the order for 6Mb DSL, I got a call back saying "Oh, you're too far from the CO!" ... WTF? I can see the damn thing just down the street from me. Evidentally all the DSL is serviced out of a different CO. AT&T can die in a fire.
*happy dance*
Let's see, stuff that's new: Got my rifle finally! Pics should be incoming once I get off my ass to take them! It's a sweet, tricked-out Rock River midlength carbine. Got a harris bipod and a surefire M900 vertical grip/bright-ass-flashflight for it. Still looking for a good deal on a Benelli M4 and I'm eyeing a 6.8 SPC upper and a Rock River LAR-10 as well. So much cool shit, so little money!
Why so little money? Becuase I just bought a freakin house! haha

*happy dance*
Anyway, belatedly: Happy Easter!