Well, been a bit since I've updated... so what's new?
Got a girlfriend now (Yay!) and she kicks ass! It's funny how similar we are, half the time our little arguments happen because we're too similar! We're both the kind of people who puts the other person first, that kinda thing, so things are interesting in an exasperating way sometimes She's awesome though.
As for my CTN conversion... evidentally getting my clearance opened up a bunch of doors... I put my package in to BUPERS, and now it's in their hands... If they say no, then I'm out... They say yes... then... well, *raises right hand* I Swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic. Yay.
Got a girlfriend now (Yay!) and she kicks ass! It's funny how similar we are, half the time our little arguments happen because we're too similar! We're both the kind of people who puts the other person first, that kinda thing, so things are interesting in an exasperating way sometimes She's awesome though.
As for my CTN conversion... evidentally getting my clearance opened up a bunch of doors... I put my package in to BUPERS, and now it's in their hands... If they say no, then I'm out... They say yes... then... well, *raises right hand* I Swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic. Yay.
we sound like you and your girl....we're so similar as well...
i'm lost on whats going on with the navy thing? i missed something somewhere
1. I don't want to be an ET (Electronics Tech) anymore. Not because I don't like electronics (I do) but because I've spent the last 5 years doing computer work (IT)... this means that if I took orders for being an ET, I would be extremely out of practice and they'd expect me to perform like I'd always been doing ET stuff... and I feel that shortchanges the Navy, to a degree... that, and I've had people with no experience try to be my supervisor, and I reeeealy don't want to be that person.
2. If I'm going to cross-rate out of ET, I won't cross to IT... because 95% of the ITs I know are real idiots... which is why the Navy computer support structure is falling apart. Instead, I'm going to go CTN, which is, more or less, computer security. Think hacker-type stuff.