Well, here I am updating again...
Just finished watching a really good anime series, Gunslinger Girl... whoever their gun liason was, they were spot on with pretty much everything. Great animation, great everything, even the storyline kicked ass... hell, it even made sense! (Wow, I said an anime made sense... clearly there's something wrong with me!)
My only problem with the series was the ending... not that it was your normal anime ending where like, most of the characters die, or the bad guy wins, or some off-the-wall BS like that... no, this ending made perfect sense... and it was really touching. The kind of ending that makes you think about a lot of things...
I'm sure everyone would take away a different message from anything, but this really got me thinking about life in general, death, and what it is I value during my short time on this Earth... and I'm truly saddened by what's gone through my head.
Either way, a ton of stuff has happened since the last update... doesn't look like I'll be able to cross-rate to CTN, so I'm probably getting out of the Navy here in the near future. Funny, cuz I just got my clearance a few days ago. Oh well.
My best friend's dad back home had a stroke the day before flew back to Norfolk. =\ He's doin ok, but that's another reminder of mortality I didn't really need.
Just finished watching a really good anime series, Gunslinger Girl... whoever their gun liason was, they were spot on with pretty much everything. Great animation, great everything, even the storyline kicked ass... hell, it even made sense! (Wow, I said an anime made sense... clearly there's something wrong with me!)
My only problem with the series was the ending... not that it was your normal anime ending where like, most of the characters die, or the bad guy wins, or some off-the-wall BS like that... no, this ending made perfect sense... and it was really touching. The kind of ending that makes you think about a lot of things...
I'm sure everyone would take away a different message from anything, but this really got me thinking about life in general, death, and what it is I value during my short time on this Earth... and I'm truly saddened by what's gone through my head.
Either way, a ton of stuff has happened since the last update... doesn't look like I'll be able to cross-rate to CTN, so I'm probably getting out of the Navy here in the near future. Funny, cuz I just got my clearance a few days ago. Oh well.
My best friend's dad back home had a stroke the day before flew back to Norfolk. =\ He's doin ok, but that's another reminder of mortality I didn't really need.