I haven't updated my buddies in quite some time so here we go. I got invited by my lovely photographer to a shootfest in Montreal in April !! It will include gorgeous SG's and hopefuls. I am so incredibly excited to be a part of this community and get the chance to participate in such magnificent projects like this shootfest and I'm looking forward to this trip !! I can't freaking wait.
After a few weeks of handing out resumes I finally got a call back from a sports bar called "Shoeless Joes" right around the corner from my house ! I went in for an interview as a hostess and I fucking nailed it so let's cross our fingers that I land the job. I desperately need to start working my ass off to make some money before the trip to Montreal, so I have a little spending money.
Last but not least, this month my puppy turned four years old and her doggy day care threw her a puppy party. She is basically my angel sent from above. I bought her at a time when I really needed someone, anyone to love me and she was the only reason I would ever smile for years. She's a mama's girl and she's constantly attached to my hip. Most people would find that annoying but I wouldn't have it any other way. She's the light of my life ! The child I never had <3
So tell me what's going on with you guys ! Any new hopefuls/sg's that have caught your attention ?! Xoxoxoxo so much love from Storm forever ! <333 muah