I just got my Invisalign put on. I was super stoked about it yesterday, and I just woke up with the most excruciating pain in my mouth. I called the dentist office and i'm told this is completely normal when starting ortho, but it feels like shit. I have cold pizza I can't even eat for breakfast :'( You never appreciate food enough until you physically cannot eat it. This pizza box staring me in the eyes is breaking my damn heart </3
On the brightside, in 7 months I will have a winning smile and the photos I take will be more lively woop woop. I got a little drunky pants with my good friend sophia and got her to take some photos of me the other night but she's taking way too long to send me them ! I wanna post one or two on here, from my understanding they were cute. But then again I was trashed so no promises they came out like I imagined LOL.
Lots of love, Storm. xoxoxox <3333
Babe your smile is a winner already and with that put in you are gonna win the whole world ^^
@almost_missed aww :)) thank ya ! I'm just excited to be comfortable with smiling in photos, I really think it'll make all the difference