From glas
Thank you mam for the love on my set! Hopefully you will go pink soon <3
From brickman
Congrats on the new set, it is grand. I hope this one finally pushes you into the pink. Best of luck little sister.
From johny130
I'm really thinking I need to move to Canada!
From njdevilsfan8212
Storm, you can rain on my parade any day :)
Hopeful Set
by shaine
Today was a day given to me by the gods above; I had the pleasure of working with two of the most influential women in the history of SG (@alissa & @radeo ). This community has truly given me an incredible sense of confidence in myself that I would have never been able to attain if I continued to admire SG's from afar, wanting to
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From danrod
you are so freaking sexy! Just say'n ;)