Alright, so.....a month.......fuck. Sorry about that. Been so damn busy latley. Im working alot more now so i have more money but im always so tired. On the plus side Ive had a talk with my room mate Lene' about me moving into the big bedroom since I now have two people in my bed
and she only has one. She agreed to it. And even better than that: She said she would just move out entirley.
Now dont get me wrong Lene' is a good friend and all but she can get on your nerves after awhile and I think 3 years is considered awhile. So she moves out and Velvet and I have the place to ourselves until the 17th of January when the new roommate gets back from mexico. That would be the Maxwell_Demon, my buddy Drew, if any of you remember him. So Ive been busy cleaning the house and moving stuff around and generally getting ready for his move.
Ya, all that and I got a puppy.
Velvet got him for me for christmas.
Hes a rat terrier and I named him Ganon and hes living up to the evil name as best he can.
Since we're on the topic of animals I also have some sad news, Oscar the hedgehog has left us
. It came out of nowhere two. One night hes was fine the next he was just laying there dead in the cage. Its kind of weird since I didnt have him that long I really didnt get that attatched to him. I feel sorta strange not being depressed about one of my animal dying. Oh well, circle of life and all that.
Christmas was good, I got an ipod
New years wasnt bad either spent it with Velvet and friends at Charlie Browns down town. Good times.
So everything is finally beginning to settle down. I start back to school in a couple of weeks but im only taking one class so it shouldnt be too bad. And once drew has finally moved in things should be all the way back to normal. Hopefully there wont be any of this month between updates crap.
So, hows everyone been?
And just for the hell of it: Heres Spiderman with a DeLorian:

Ya, all that and I got a puppy.

Hes a rat terrier and I named him Ganon and hes living up to the evil name as best he can.
Since we're on the topic of animals I also have some sad news, Oscar the hedgehog has left us

Christmas was good, I got an ipod

So everything is finally beginning to settle down. I start back to school in a couple of weeks but im only taking one class so it shouldnt be too bad. And once drew has finally moved in things should be all the way back to normal. Hopefully there wont be any of this month between updates crap.
So, hows everyone been?
And just for the hell of it: Heres Spiderman with a DeLorian:

well, I suppose three, 'cause that's a precious puppy, but either way- HOORAY!