How 'bout an update?
Since the last update things have been pretty quiet. My birthday happened since the last update. I was pretty bumed because all of my friends told me they were busy or had to work or what not on my birthday so it was just going to be me and Velvet_Night on my birhtday. That by itself would be great but really wanted my friends there too. So she takes me downtown for dinner to Magiannos, really fucking good italian, and surprise surprise everyones down there waiting for me. I've never had the surprise thing happen to me before but i really liked it. I had such a good time. Yikes got me a a really neat gift to, its a chess board where all the pieces are different kinds of shot glasses.
Guess this means more chess for me.
Thanks giving happened too didnt it? Me and Velvet went over to my parents house and had to ol' family thing with turkey and everything. Im absolutley amazed, I should be used to it by now though since everything about this gilr amazes me to no end, at how quickly my family took to Vevlet. I mean, it was like she said hi to everyone and BAM! she was one of the family. Then i wiped to floor with everyone at Trivial pursuit.
Velvet started working her new work schedule since then too. I hate this schedule
...............a lot
. Allow me to enlighten you: I get up for work at about 5 am so that i can be there by about 6:30 or 7 and work until about 4 pm. She works from 3pm until midnight. So ya, she leaves for work before i get home and she comes home after i need to be asleep.
Nuts to that....oh well.
My hedgehog is doing ok. I built him a new enclosure out of 2 big storage-bin-tub-type-things that i connected with a big piece of pipe. He's still antisocial though.
I mean, honestly, not much is happening. I need to stat getting back into my old routines more from now on though. Like regularly updating my journal and posting in yours for staters (ya, sorry about that to all of you by the way). Not to mention the fact that i need to start hanging out with my friends on a more regular basis. I just need to realize that I don't need to be with Velvet 100% of the time to make her happy.
Ya, ok, so thats that. I'll update next time much sooner.
Since the last update things have been pretty quiet. My birthday happened since the last update. I was pretty bumed because all of my friends told me they were busy or had to work or what not on my birthday so it was just going to be me and Velvet_Night on my birhtday. That by itself would be great but really wanted my friends there too. So she takes me downtown for dinner to Magiannos, really fucking good italian, and surprise surprise everyones down there waiting for me. I've never had the surprise thing happen to me before but i really liked it. I had such a good time. Yikes got me a a really neat gift to, its a chess board where all the pieces are different kinds of shot glasses.

Thanks giving happened too didnt it? Me and Velvet went over to my parents house and had to ol' family thing with turkey and everything. Im absolutley amazed, I should be used to it by now though since everything about this gilr amazes me to no end, at how quickly my family took to Vevlet. I mean, it was like she said hi to everyone and BAM! she was one of the family. Then i wiped to floor with everyone at Trivial pursuit.
Velvet started working her new work schedule since then too. I hate this schedule

My hedgehog is doing ok. I built him a new enclosure out of 2 big storage-bin-tub-type-things that i connected with a big piece of pipe. He's still antisocial though.
I mean, honestly, not much is happening. I need to stat getting back into my old routines more from now on though. Like regularly updating my journal and posting in yours for staters (ya, sorry about that to all of you by the way). Not to mention the fact that i need to start hanging out with my friends on a more regular basis. I just need to realize that I don't need to be with Velvet 100% of the time to make her happy.
Ya, ok, so thats that. I'll update next time much sooner.
Happy New Year!!!!!
Happy effin' New Year!!