So lets see here...........Things are going so well that i half expect a meteor to fall on my house to make up for it . Velve_Night and I pretty much decided that shes going to live at my place. I didnt want ther to move out and she didnt want to move out so there ya go. And besides, how could i let her go? I love this girl way to much to not see her ever time i wake up. Just her smile gives me enough reason to get get out of bed. I could go on forever like that but i wont. Honestly things have just been a lazy blur since the last update. Besides work and the usual crap thats about all i can say. Oh ya, I got a hedgehog, yes theres a picture in the pics folder. A couple of friends were getting rid of theirs so i said id take him. His name is Oscar and hes an antisocial sunofabitch. For now. The people who had him before only handled him with gloves on so hes not used to people really. Ill just have to handle him more and get him used to me us all. Hopefully Ill be able to write more interesting stuff after my birthday happens. I have absolutley no idea what im doing for it since Velvet insists on surprising me. Ive always wanted a surprise like this for my birthday but fucking suspense is really getting to me. Well we'll see what happens. Ill update more frequently now too. I swear on the pulsating lump of quills that sits on muy desk right now and refuses to show its face.

Lazy butt....