So, lets see whats gone on in this storeytellers world since.....damn, saturday. Its been a bit hant it? Ok, so I spent a dainty part of saturday night metting up with Velvet_Night. She has got to be one of the cutest, coolest and funest people ive met in quite awhile. Sadly all we did was have dinner since we were both really tired. I will deifinatley have to hang with her more from now on. Ok, so that said, how the hell did i get talked into going to the Skylark on saturday night. I mean, i left dinner and headed over to Maxwell_Demons house to pick up my book and the next thing i know im down at the lark and Dan is buying shots for everyone. Dont ever, ever, ever drink when your tired. It makes the next day really shitty. Anyway sunday was less than fun to say the least. Hangovers suck. But you knew that. So thats what i did on sunday was nurse a hangover. Sunday night, I kept Velvet_Night company to help take her mind off some stuff that shes going through. Monday was shtty. Thats all there is to that, With 2 guys gone at work it now, for some reason, falls to me to make everything run smoothley. Must just be one of the perks of being the bosses son. Monday night I finally got my costume together so atleast thats out of the way. Last night Maxwell_Demon and I went out to see Converge/ Cave In play. Good show despite the fact that Converge had their van break down in Seattle or somewhere like that. I had fun and got to see some old friends again. So that brings us to today. Yep, Im so tired from the last couple of days. I really wish I could sleep in the daytime. I just cant do it though. Oh well, I'll deal with it.
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*ahem* Hey you call me sometime I sorta feel left out now that you are "busy" and thats why I havent called eather..I dunno just give me a call soon.