Alright alright alright, so, Wednesday went off very well. Went with the always beautiful and kickassidly (shut up, kickassidly is now a word) awsome Dragonchylde and the usually indifferent and stoic Yikes to see Flogging Molly. Im sure that the good time we had must have oozed out the front door of the venue and affected the people on the street since we had that much fun. The show had just about everything for a good time. Even a sexy ninja
. Of course later in the night the ninja made good use of all of her available skills and laid waste to me at Halo. No fair with all the distractions though. I'll just have to learn to deal with those. The next day we went down to the museum and took in the ancient egypt exhibit. Interesting stuff that was.
I also finally settled on my first tattoo design.
Sorry about the image size but i cant figure out how to make it any bigger, i posted a lareger image of it in my pics folder if you want a better look though. Im pretty indecisive when in comes to permanent stuff like that but ive always really had a soft spot for thsi drawing for The first book of the Abarat by Clive Barker. After I get that one done theres another drawing from the second book of the Abarat that I want but I dont have that one scanned in right now so you get to see that one later.
Thats about wherer the good stuff ends. But know that the good stuff outweighs the bad so its not all really crappy.
My ex called me on all upset and distraught on thursday afternoon. As soon as I said it I knew II was stupid for saying that I would help her with her problems. So she came over and ruined what was left of my thursday afternoon and says she has this huge problem that she needs help with. Turns out that the huge problem was some minor thing with her schooling that I fixed for her in about 5 minutes. So she was ok and not crying anymore. .........So I smacked her and yelled at her ruining my day and coming to me with such a lame ass problem and not to do that anymore unless its really important. She's cut off now by the way unless it is really important. After I calmed her down and made everything better again she left and that was that. That was Thursday.
Friday was shitty all around. At work I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and fuck if it doesnt hurt alot, also pulled one in my back later that night helping Yikes move all of his moms stuff out of her place. Anyway, back to work. Im friends with most of the guys at work. Some of them Ive know almost the whole time ive worked there. So Randy is one of those guys. Hes a really nice guys and funny as shit so how fucked up is it that I get to find out Friday morning that he has stomach cancer? Its not super bad yet but they have to go in and operate on him this week. I feel so bad for him and im really worried about him. Everyone send him some good energy this week. That was friday morning. Friday afternoon another friend of mine, Dwayne, nearly has a heart attach. At the time we thought it was a full blown attack but later on we learned it wasnt quite that bad. He had a blocked artery and they had to do an angioplasty on him. I heard he was doing ok now but hes gonna be down for a while recovering and all that. Ya after work there was the moving thing where i hurt my back. We went out to see Team America later that night. Ill have to see it again since I kept falling asleep during it. The parts that I was awake for were fucking hilarious so it wont be a problem.
Ive also got to get a halloween costume together for the party next week. The mad scientist thing that I originally wanted to do isnt going to work out as id hoped so i think ill have to get a premade costum from a store. Maybe I'll be a preagnant nun. Just have to find me a nun costume and a pillow and im all set.
Well, there ya go, thats whats been going down with me. Like I said the good times i had before tha bad stuff happened mad everything way less shitty than i would have been otherwise so life is still good and, as jonnytrrrash7 already knows, the insanley fast and emotionally draining rollercoaster of my life is being demolished to make way for a frisbee golf course and a duck pond. Y'know something more layed back and easier to handle. :
I'll get back to most of you guys tomorrow when im not quit so sleepy. Anyway how're all of ya doin?

I also finally settled on my first tattoo design.

Sorry about the image size but i cant figure out how to make it any bigger, i posted a lareger image of it in my pics folder if you want a better look though. Im pretty indecisive when in comes to permanent stuff like that but ive always really had a soft spot for thsi drawing for The first book of the Abarat by Clive Barker. After I get that one done theres another drawing from the second book of the Abarat that I want but I dont have that one scanned in right now so you get to see that one later.
Thats about wherer the good stuff ends. But know that the good stuff outweighs the bad so its not all really crappy.

My ex called me on all upset and distraught on thursday afternoon. As soon as I said it I knew II was stupid for saying that I would help her with her problems. So she came over and ruined what was left of my thursday afternoon and says she has this huge problem that she needs help with. Turns out that the huge problem was some minor thing with her schooling that I fixed for her in about 5 minutes. So she was ok and not crying anymore. .........So I smacked her and yelled at her ruining my day and coming to me with such a lame ass problem and not to do that anymore unless its really important. She's cut off now by the way unless it is really important. After I calmed her down and made everything better again she left and that was that. That was Thursday.
Friday was shitty all around. At work I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and fuck if it doesnt hurt alot, also pulled one in my back later that night helping Yikes move all of his moms stuff out of her place. Anyway, back to work. Im friends with most of the guys at work. Some of them Ive know almost the whole time ive worked there. So Randy is one of those guys. Hes a really nice guys and funny as shit so how fucked up is it that I get to find out Friday morning that he has stomach cancer? Its not super bad yet but they have to go in and operate on him this week. I feel so bad for him and im really worried about him. Everyone send him some good energy this week. That was friday morning. Friday afternoon another friend of mine, Dwayne, nearly has a heart attach. At the time we thought it was a full blown attack but later on we learned it wasnt quite that bad. He had a blocked artery and they had to do an angioplasty on him. I heard he was doing ok now but hes gonna be down for a while recovering and all that. Ya after work there was the moving thing where i hurt my back. We went out to see Team America later that night. Ill have to see it again since I kept falling asleep during it. The parts that I was awake for were fucking hilarious so it wont be a problem.
Ive also got to get a halloween costume together for the party next week. The mad scientist thing that I originally wanted to do isnt going to work out as id hoped so i think ill have to get a premade costum from a store. Maybe I'll be a preagnant nun. Just have to find me a nun costume and a pillow and im all set.
Well, there ya go, thats whats been going down with me. Like I said the good times i had before tha bad stuff happened mad everything way less shitty than i would have been otherwise so life is still good and, as jonnytrrrash7 already knows, the insanley fast and emotionally draining rollercoaster of my life is being demolished to make way for a frisbee golf course and a duck pond. Y'know something more layed back and easier to handle. :
