So, lets see here.......
Went to the pixies on thursday! Absolutley one of the best shows ive been to in a long damn time. They played damn near everything I wanted to hear to. (no Into the White though :whatever
. After the show some frineds and I went to Barracudas for something to eat and I gotta say, im not sure what it is about that place, some kind of whacky energy maybe, but i liked it alot. I'll have to go back. Friday was hell! Between getting an hour of sleep after Dragonchylde left on wednesday and being up until 3am on thursday i think i got all of 3 hours of sleep in that last 48 hours so friday at work was fun to say the least. God, I was so tired my hair started to hurt! But im all slept up so im ok now.
Plans for this week are entirely up in the air as of now. Im supposed to hang out with the ex again, should be interesting after last time. Shit, i didnt relate that one to you guys yet did I? Get aload of this: We're sitting their having lunch and she starts going on about how shes ready to have a kid and all that kind of stuff, so then theres this lull in conversation and she turns to me and says, "You know what'll probably happen right? I'll probably just end up back with you and we'll have a kid like it was supposed to be." Allow the following smilies to show my reaction the previous statment:
. Ya, shes a weird one folks.
On the plus side of everything Im getting a new(think used) car in about a week or so. My mom bought herself a new car so im gonna buy her old one off of her. Havent set a price yet but itll be a damn site cheaper than buying one from a dealership. I need a new car really bad to. The oil leak on my car has gotten to the point where i need to add a quart every three days. I dont know.......Im just gonna try to enjoy myself this weekend. And I suggest, no, i ORDER you to do the same.
Oh, im running low on books to read(down to only two now: The Dark Tower 7 and Dragons of Autumn Twilight) so suggest a good book for me to read. I probably wont get to it for a while but i like to keep a good backlog going. Gives me motivation to get it all out of the way.
My suggestion for you guys, if you havent already, is to go out an pick up a copy of Perfume and take a look at it.
Went to the pixies on thursday! Absolutley one of the best shows ive been to in a long damn time. They played damn near everything I wanted to hear to. (no Into the White though :whatever

Plans for this week are entirely up in the air as of now. Im supposed to hang out with the ex again, should be interesting after last time. Shit, i didnt relate that one to you guys yet did I? Get aload of this: We're sitting their having lunch and she starts going on about how shes ready to have a kid and all that kind of stuff, so then theres this lull in conversation and she turns to me and says, "You know what'll probably happen right? I'll probably just end up back with you and we'll have a kid like it was supposed to be." Allow the following smilies to show my reaction the previous statment:

On the plus side of everything Im getting a new(think used) car in about a week or so. My mom bought herself a new car so im gonna buy her old one off of her. Havent set a price yet but itll be a damn site cheaper than buying one from a dealership. I need a new car really bad to. The oil leak on my car has gotten to the point where i need to add a quart every three days. I dont know.......Im just gonna try to enjoy myself this weekend. And I suggest, no, i ORDER you to do the same.

Oh, im running low on books to read(down to only two now: The Dark Tower 7 and Dragons of Autumn Twilight) so suggest a good book for me to read. I probably wont get to it for a while but i like to keep a good backlog going. Gives me motivation to get it all out of the way.
My suggestion for you guys, if you havent already, is to go out an pick up a copy of Perfume and take a look at it.
I'll come over. Don't think I won't.
