I'm not sure what happened but I feel better for some reason. Sunday night I came down with some sort of food poisoning type thing and got really sick. I was up half the night
. When I woke up in the morning, despite still being damn sick, I felt better about everything from the last entry. I think maybe it was just letting it out. I dont know. All I know is that Im not quite so stressed about all of it anymore and all i can do is live my life and hope it comes along again and works differently when it does. Thanks again you guys for the words of comfort. I know I said that advice cant do anything for me but I think i was wrong. All the stuff I got from you guys in here meant alot to me and made me realize this stuff isnt quite as extreme and shitty as i thought it was. Thanks for helping pull me out of the hole. I hope I can return the favor sometime.

Epiphanies are the best! Glad you feel better. When it comes down to it, all you have is yourself and noone can take that away from you. Things come and go, but I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.

Glad you're feeling better btw