Almost nothing interesting has happened in the last few days. Almost got in a fist fight with my boss at work over weather or not i was aloud to take lunch. I settled it with no punching and in the end i got to take my lunch.
Im supposed to head up to bolder tonight with Yikes, Maxwell_Demon, Girly, and some of our other friends so we can go hot tubbing with slimjim and some others up at his place. Sounds like fun to me. Though ive never really been the type to dig the hot tub too much it should still be alot of fun.
Why is it the smallest things can get to you the most in life? One minor little event the other day comes to pass and then you loose it. You absolutley loose it. Then when everything is said and done you put yourself back together, get over it, and you're not the same person anymore. You're still the same you of course, just a different shattered looking glass version of it. Parts are recognizable but they don't seem to fit together anymore. And all because of something that in 2 weeks will be all but forgotten. This is, you realize, better than how you felt before it happened. How you felt before? If you're wondering what I mean then do this: Grow you hair out long enough to have a pony tail. Now pull it back hard enough so that your face starts to ache and pin it there. Now take a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with water and laundry soap. Stick your head in it. It's ok just use the non toxic soap. With your head in the bucket you can't really hear much. Everything is muffled. If you open your eyes it's going to sting something fierce. So you're blind. If you open your mouth it's going to be filled with nasty soap water. So you're mute. Your knees buckle under you and just like that you're stuck in the bucket. The whole time the tight pony tail is giving you a dull constant head ache and it's making your face hurt. That's what I'm talking about when I say "How you felt before." How you feel now is just how you'd feel right after getting your head out of the bucket. You can finally breathe and talk and hear ok. But I still can't see until I wipe my face off. And the dull ponytail-headache is stillt there making my head and face hurt. But at least I know eventually I'll get around to taking the damn rubber band off so I'll feel better. All because of the minorest (not a word i know) of events. Just too much stuff that i let get to me i guess. I need to stop worrying about everything so much. I need a vacation. I need a hug. I need some absolution. I need a definate answer. I need to get in a fight. I need a working car. I need a room mate that i dont want to simultaneously kill and be friends with. I need to get laid. I need a bass amp that doesnt cut out in the middle of a really good groove session. I need to find a way out of all this. I need someone who understands what the hell im going on about all the time. I need to fall in love again.
alright, i think im done now
edit: i just re-read this and if i didnt know better id think my life was really fucked up. Its not by the way, this is just the crap that trickles out of my ears and happens to land on this journal.

Im supposed to head up to bolder tonight with Yikes, Maxwell_Demon, Girly, and some of our other friends so we can go hot tubbing with slimjim and some others up at his place. Sounds like fun to me. Though ive never really been the type to dig the hot tub too much it should still be alot of fun.

Why is it the smallest things can get to you the most in life? One minor little event the other day comes to pass and then you loose it. You absolutley loose it. Then when everything is said and done you put yourself back together, get over it, and you're not the same person anymore. You're still the same you of course, just a different shattered looking glass version of it. Parts are recognizable but they don't seem to fit together anymore. And all because of something that in 2 weeks will be all but forgotten. This is, you realize, better than how you felt before it happened. How you felt before? If you're wondering what I mean then do this: Grow you hair out long enough to have a pony tail. Now pull it back hard enough so that your face starts to ache and pin it there. Now take a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with water and laundry soap. Stick your head in it. It's ok just use the non toxic soap. With your head in the bucket you can't really hear much. Everything is muffled. If you open your eyes it's going to sting something fierce. So you're blind. If you open your mouth it's going to be filled with nasty soap water. So you're mute. Your knees buckle under you and just like that you're stuck in the bucket. The whole time the tight pony tail is giving you a dull constant head ache and it's making your face hurt. That's what I'm talking about when I say "How you felt before." How you feel now is just how you'd feel right after getting your head out of the bucket. You can finally breathe and talk and hear ok. But I still can't see until I wipe my face off. And the dull ponytail-headache is stillt there making my head and face hurt. But at least I know eventually I'll get around to taking the damn rubber band off so I'll feel better. All because of the minorest (not a word i know) of events. Just too much stuff that i let get to me i guess. I need to stop worrying about everything so much. I need a vacation. I need a hug. I need some absolution. I need a definate answer. I need to get in a fight. I need a working car. I need a room mate that i dont want to simultaneously kill and be friends with. I need to get laid. I need a bass amp that doesnt cut out in the middle of a really good groove session. I need to find a way out of all this. I need someone who understands what the hell im going on about all the time. I need to fall in love again.
alright, i think im done now

edit: i just re-read this and if i didnt know better id think my life was really fucked up. Its not by the way, this is just the crap that trickles out of my ears and happens to land on this journal.
Oh yeah? You had a similar experience? The little things add up after a while... Hope all goes well...

*pen me in for a hug sometime too
* Thanks for the comment too.. Looks like Chris isn't going back to Ohio afterall, but we can still hang out sometime.