The difficult thing about being a mass murderer, isnt the ahh, murdering part. Its the mass part. Its the pace youve got to keep up. The sheer volume of murdering. Cuz the funny thing about killing, after the first time youve killed the second time its....easy. The third time you start to get cocky so yo gotta be careful. You might start to make dumb mistakes. Then oh, by the.....seventh time or so your likley to feel in a bit of rut, want to get artistic with it. You know, start cutting off the middle toe of each victim so you'll be know as the "middle toe murderer". But at that point, i dont know, i just, i think its show boating. I mean you gotta ask yourself "who am I doing this for?". Am i doing it for myself or for the press? And round about the twentieth or so murder, well, youre likely to be sick of the whole thing. And ya know sometimes I dont even want to look at another corpse. I feel like if i even see a chainsaw I'll scream! Its like what happened to other day: I had just finished ending a human life in a senseless act of violence when i run into this old friend of mine from highschool. And says "hey watcha been doin?" And I think to myself, What HAVE I been doing? What HAVE I been doing with my life? Where is this leading? Am I going to be doing this at 50? Sometimes i think i really should go back to college.

Ya, you dont wanna be doin that when your fifty.