Oh ya, those of you who doubt the ability of the SGCO group to have a ragin' time shall be silenced for now and all time. Or until we have an event that no one show up to. Casa Bonita rocked much like a certain hurricane from a certain 80's song that will remain nameless. Everyone that came gets lobbed into the catagory of "people that go staright to the top with me when I take over the world". See? I knew there were people i could get along with in this city. I havent had that much fun in a long time. Though i wish i had been more outgoing, this quiet intorvet thing has to go. Maybe ill sell it the flea market.
Im still tired from staying out to late on monday. I would have been fine today if Bill hadnt totaled his car and moved into my house last night. The short of it is- I live closer to his job than he does so he lives with me until his insurance kicks in and gets him a rental then hes out on his ass again.
Wierd ass dreams again. Not nightmares this time, thank fucking god for that, i can only handle 3 or 4 a week anymore. No these are more like things i have no control over but affect me in the deepest ways. To many choices, too many possibilities, not enough certainty. Know what I mean? Probably not. Never mind.
Im still tired from staying out to late on monday. I would have been fine today if Bill hadnt totaled his car and moved into my house last night. The short of it is- I live closer to his job than he does so he lives with me until his insurance kicks in and gets him a rental then hes out on his ass again.

Wierd ass dreams again. Not nightmares this time, thank fucking god for that, i can only handle 3 or 4 a week anymore. No these are more like things i have no control over but affect me in the deepest ways. To many choices, too many possibilities, not enough certainty. Know what I mean? Probably not. Never mind.